Updated July 2024
When students are in the building, students must follow Tulsa Public Schools Dress Code Policy 2601-R.
At North Star Academy, students come to us with a number of different objectives. Because of this, students will participate in an intake that will include their parents and our counselor or other team member. During this appointment, we will decide whether you will need to accrue or recover credits. Our counselor and team will then work to accommodate your specific learning needs and situations to make sure that we meet your goals!
When students are in the building, students must follow Tulsa Public Schools Dress Code Policy 2601-R.
School Hours
Teachers are available from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. to assist virtually by appointment or in-person on campus.
Tulsa Public Schools high school students can ride the MetroLink Tulsa buses free of charge with valid ID.
Visit MetroLink Tulsa for more information and to plan your ride.
Every day of learning matters. If your student is not feeling well, it is important to know when you should keep your student home from school.
*student may return once symptoms are improved or resolving and they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication
For further guidance related to these symptoms and illnesses, visit tulsaschools.org/health.